Asian Dialogues for Greener Production
- Asian Dialogues for Greener Production
- 2022-08-17T09:00:00+07:00
- 2022-08-17T17:45:00+07:00
- Hybrid Conference
The “Asian Dialogues on Sustainability in the Textile and Garment Industry” series was established by GIZ FABRIC and the STAR network in order to foster collaboration and strengthen regional knowledge exchange for greater social, environmental and economic sustainability in the sector. Launched in 2015, the series brings together industry enthusiasts and representatives – from brands, suppliers, workers, civil society, and government bodies from Asia to cultivate regional, sector-specific dialogue.
To date, the conference has been held ten times, allowing around 800 participants to discuss their experience with sustainable production topics, share regional knowledge and explore innovative initiatives for sustainability in the garment and textile sector.
This years’ conference theme ‘’Asian Dialogues for Greener Production’’ is focused on identifying and discussing environmental aspects of production in the textile and garment industry. With major challenges ahead, GMAC and GIZ FABRIC to connect the change makers and innovators in order to foster cleaner production and sustainability in the industry.
The four workshops on the use of solar energy, green production financing, recycling in production countries and the value of environmental data will allow for great interactions between participants and speakers. With moderators Jost Wagner and Stephen Frost, a number of panels will provide great insights into the industry (please see agenda in registration form). We look forward to welcoming Pascale Moreau as our keynote speaker.
GMAC and GIZ FABRIC warmly invite you to attend our first post lockdown, physical conference on 17 August 2022 in Siem Reap, Cambodia. Currently Cambodia has lifted all travel regulations and offers direct flights to Siem Reap. As some countries don’t allow for travel yet, we will also livestream our panels and workshops for digital participation.
All apparel, garment and footwear industry professionals as well as everyone interested in sustainable textile supply chains, corporate social responsibility and environmental sustainability are encouraged and welcome to participate. Please note that only physical participation will allow for participation in the afternoon networking event.
The event will be hosted at the Sofitel Hotel in Siem Reap, Cambodia and is free of charge, for physical participants more information on travel and accommodation options will be provided after registration. Register under "Web" (on the right-hand side) before the 1st of August to save yourselves a seat in Siem Reap!
- What Asian Dialogues
- When Aug 17, 2022 from 09:00 AM to 05:45 PM (Asia/Bangkok / UTC700)
- Where Siem Reap and online
- Contact Name
- Web Visit external website
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