Contributions Overview

Automation and Digitization in the Myanmar Garment Sector

Automation and Digitization in the Myanmar Garment Sector

A review of the current situation and implications for market strategies, investment and skills policies

Skilled Workers Matter

Skilled Workers Matter

The business case for addressing absenteeism and turnover in Myanmar’s garment sector

Factory Improvement Toolset - Improving Welfare

Factory Improvement Toolset - Improving Welfare

Improving Welfare - Working conditions

Factory Improvement Toolset - Planning Production

Factory Improvement Toolset - Planning Production

Planning production - Production systems

Factory Improvement Toolset Tools Catalogue

Factory Improvement Toolset Tools Catalogue

The Factory Improvement Toolset (FIT) is an innovative self-facilitated, activity-based programme designed by the International Labour Organization (ILO) to create more decent and sustainable employment.

Factory Improvement Toolset - Cutting Fabric

Factory Improvement Toolset - Cutting Fabric

Cutting fabric - Cutting room operations