Contributions Overview

Exploring the social impact of circular economy  in the textile and apparel value chain through a gender lens

Exploring the social impact of circular economy in the textile and apparel value chain through a gender lens

by Copernicus Institute of Sustainable development- Utrecht University

Transforming business models in the global garment industry: Are partnerships the answer?

Transforming business models in the global garment industry: Are partnerships the answer?

by The Subir and Malini Chowdhury Center for Bangladesh Studies, University of California at Berkeley, Stern School of Business, NYU and the Geneva Center for Business and Human Rights

Ensuring worker inclusive supply chain grievance mechanisms

Ensuring worker inclusive supply chain grievance mechanisms

Join our interactive side session of the OECD forum on Due Diligence in the Garment and Footwear Sector

The Ethics of Good Looks

The Ethics of Good Looks

Night of ideas