Insights from buyer & supplier feedback: AGT and PST joint quest towards the improvement of purchasing practices

by AGHub Admin created 2021-12-10T21:48:00+07:00
What feedback do suppliers and brand employees give on companies' purchasing practices? Join the AGT and PST in a webinar on responsible purchasing practices and get insights on key findings and learnings from the 48 signatory brands who took steps towards improving purchasing practices and rolled out the purchasing practices (self) assessment (PPSA + PPA) within their company and along their supply chain last spring. In total 445 brand employees and 954 suppliers responded to the assessment.

The OECD guidelines emphasize that several human rights’ risks and harm in the supply chain are linked to purchasing practices and can be prevented and mitigated through responsible purchasing practices. In order to support brands in this quest, the improvement of purchasing practices has been thus far addressed through both MSIs via different approaches such as provision of trainings, tools, secretariat’s support and it is also a key topic during the members’ risk assessment. Hence, to provide the necessary tool, to give substance to this important topic and to boost responsible purchasing practices industry-wide, the AGT and PST work closely together with ACT on living wages.

ACT has developed the Purchasing Practices (Self) Assessment through which brand employees as well as suppliers are asked to assess the companies' purchasing practices. Participating companies use these insights to adjust purchasing practices and thus, enable better conditions for workers, such as progress towards realizing living wages.
Working on more responsible practices can't exist without collaboration and feedback from all stakeholders involved. Thus, brands are encouraged to participate and let their supply chain participate regularly in assessment and self-assessment of purchasing practices in order to receive the pertinent feedback and act on improving their purchasing practices.

Agenda tbc

People who would like to participate in this webinar will receive a Teams invitation with a link a few days before the webinar.