The Responsible Business Helpdesks (RBH) are local helpdesks that offer tailor-made information, awareness raising and advisory services around due diligence to local producers, associations and service providers. ​They are a gateway for local businesses that want to step up their sustainability performance and comply with provisions deriving from due diligence legislation. Although the services of the RBH in Asia are open to all industries, they are foremost tailored to the textile and garment sector. Currently, RBH are established in Bangladesh, Cambodia, Serbia and Vietnambut more countries will be following as part of a growing global RBH network. The RBH are hosted by local associations and chambers that have a strong network among local businesses and enjoy their trust.


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There is growing momentum in many countries to introduce mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence (HREDD). These laws oblige companies to analyse risks in their supply chains and take appropriate action to prevent and potentially remediate negative effects of their operations on people or the environment. After France and Germany, the European Union is putting forward a landmark legislative directive on mandatory HREDD.

While the direct legal effect of mandatory HREDD is limited to the companies within the respective jurisdiction, global supply chains go beyond borders and legal space. An effective implementation of HREDD therefore depends on the cooperation and contribution of all supply chain partners and their stakeholders. For this to be a success, a good and joint understanding of what Due Diligence means is equally important as access to advisory, tools and support for the implementation of HREDD in practice.

With international companies adapting their strategies to the Due Diligence approach, awareness and capacities among producers and stakeholders in the supply chains need to be strengthened. Furthermore, for collaboration to happen, organisations need to be connected.


The Initiative for Global Solidarity (IGS), implemented on behalf of the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), supports selected local organisations to establish Responsible Business Helpdeks (RBH) in producer countries of global supply chains. The objective of the helpdeks is to serve as a gateway for local organizationsworking on HREDD and strengthen the capacities of producers, associations, or service providers to perform corporate due diligence.

The helpdesks are physically present that are hosted by business organizations, for example, the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI), EuroCham in Cambodia or the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA). These organizations have a strong network of local businesses and enjoy their trust. They understand the local regulatory framework and are familiar with providing services to their members.


Similar to the German Helpdesk for Business and Human Rights, the staff of the RBH provide first line support to companies and foster awareness on the Due Diligence approach, existing and planned legislation and consequential obligations. They also link companies to relevant service providers and act as a platform to foster dialogue and cooperation among supply chain partners, including international buyers.

The RBH service portfolio is integrated into the host organization’s business strategy to ensure its long-term sustainability. Thereby it contributes to strengthening the host organization as a leading voice in facilitating public private dialogue and providing information, services and advice on responsible business practice.

The RBH Network

RBH-BKMEA (Bangladesh)

RBH-BKMEA (Bangladesh)

RBH-BGMEA (Bangladesh)

RBH-BGMEA (Bangladesh)

RBH Cambodia

RBH Cambodia

RBH Serbia

RBH Serbia

RBH Vietnam

RBH Vietnam

RBH Türkiye

RBH Türkiye



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