
by Holden Hao created 2021-01-19T19:30:11+07:00
The post-COVID-19 garment industry in Asia

The post-COVID-19 garment industry in Asia

Looking to the post-pandemic period, this research brief outlines three scenarios of trajectory for industry recovery, encapsulated as repeat, regain and renegotiate. These scenarios are described with a particular focus on the actions of brands and policymakers and the...

Executive summary: Moving the Needle: Gender equality and decent work in Asia’s garment sector

Executive summary: Moving the Needle: Gender equality and decent work in Asia’s garment sector

The report sheds light on the importance of addressing gender equality in the garment sector, while also providing ILO constituents and industry stakeholders with a holistic roadmap for action that places decent work and social justice at the heart of the post-pandemic business...

Thúc đẩy bình đẳng giới và việc làm thỏa đáng trong lĩnh vực may mặc tại Châu Á Báo cáo tóm tắt và các khuyến nghị

Thúc đẩy bình đẳng giới và việc làm thỏa đáng trong lĩnh vực may mặc tại Châu Á Báo cáo tóm tắt và các khuyến nghị

Báo cáo chỉ ra tầm quan trọng của vấn đề bình đẳng giới trong ngành dệt may, đồng thời cung cấp cho các đối tác ba bên của ILO và các bên liên quan lộ trình hành động đặt việc làm thỏa đáng và công bằng xã hội làm tâm điểm của mô hình kinh doanh hậu đại dịch. Báo cáo tập trung...

Memindahkan Jarum: Kesetaraan gender dan pekerjaan yang layak di sektor garmen Asia; Ringkasan eksekutif

Memindahkan Jarum: Kesetaraan gender dan pekerjaan yang layak di sektor garmen Asia; Ringkasan eksekutif

Laporan ini menyoroti pentingnya menangani kesetaraan gender di sektor garmen, sekaligus memberikan peta jalan aksi holistik kepada konstituen ILO dan pemangku kepentingan industri yang menempatkan pekerjaan yang layak dan keadilan sosial di jantung model bisnis pascapandemi....

Executive summary (In Myanmar) - Moving the Needle: Gender equality and decent work in Asia’s garment sector

Executive summary (In Myanmar) - Moving the Needle: Gender equality and decent work in Asia’s garment sector

The report sheds light on the importance of addressing gender equality in the garment sector, while also providing ILO constituents and industry stakeholders with a holistic roadmap for action that places decent work and social justice at the heart of the post-pandemic business...

Executive summary (In Khmer) - Moving the Needle: Gender equality and decent work in Asia’s garment sector

Executive summary (In Khmer) - Moving the Needle: Gender equality and decent work in Asia’s garment sector

The report sheds light on the importance of addressing gender equality in the garment sector, while also providing ILO constituents and industry stakeholders with a holistic roadmap for action that places decent work and social justice at the heart of the post-pandemic business...

Guidance Note 1: Workplace Policy on Gender-Based Violence and Harassment

Guidance Note 1: Workplace Policy on Gender-Based Violence and Harassment

This guidance note is intended to support workplaces in designing a policy to address gender-based violence and harassment (GBVH) in the workplace. It covers: • Principles • Content • Harmonisation with other workplace policies

Guidance Note 2: Grievance Mechanisms

Guidance Note 2: Grievance Mechanisms

This guidance note is intended to support the design of effective grievance mechanisms in response to gender-based violence and harassment (GBVH) in the world of work. A grievance mechanism is a predictable and structured way to address and resolve complaints.

Guidance Note 3: Referrals

Guidance Note 3: Referrals

Making referrals requires information on appropriate referral services available in the local area. Better Work and CARE International recommends the following steps in making referrals available: Mapping referral systems; Disseminating referral information; Collecting feedback...

Guidance Note 4: Monitoring and reporting systems

Guidance Note 4: Monitoring and reporting systems

Monitoring and reporting on efforts to prevent and respond to harassment and violence is critical to risk management and driving norm and behaviour change in the workplace. This implementation note is intended to support companies in developing measures which can be monitored and...

Guidance Note 5: Risk Assessment

Guidance Note 5: Risk Assessment

This note provides a framework for undertaking risk assessments on gender-based violence and harassment (GBVH) and can be implemented by companies as part of human resource management, procurement, purchasing, and sourcing, supply chain management, client and customer management,...

Guidance Note 6: Responding to Disclosures

Guidance Note 6: Responding to Disclosures

What is disclosure in the context of gender-based violence and harassment (GBVH)? Why do we need to be sensitive in cases of GBVH disclosures? What does a disclosure look like? How do we respond to disclosures? What can I do? What can I not do?

Guidance Note 7: Guide to Workplace Training

Guidance Note 7: Guide to Workplace Training

This note is intended to support companies undertaking training of their workforce. The note may support companies in identifying suitable high-quality training to provide in the workplace. The note gives guidance on the following questions: Why do we need specific trainings on...

Guidance Note 8: Zero Tolerance

Guidance Note 8: Zero Tolerance

Having a zero-tolerance policy in relation to gender based violence and harassment (GBVH), in principle, is a good idea. However, how that policy is expressed and put into operation can have different outcomes and potentially lead to unintended consequences for victims and...