What the e-learning Resource Efficient Management of Chemicals (e-REMC) training is all about

What the e-learning Resource Efficient Management of Chemicals (e-REMC) training is all about

by AGHub Admin created 2021-07-26T16:51:40+07:00

The GIZ Chemical Management (CM) Training e-REMC aims to equip participants with a knowledge on implementing CM based on international best practices (ISO-Norms, Detox, ZDHC) and develop an understanding of regulatory requirements (compliance). It discusses how to integrate CM into existing management systems as well as the training materials into syllabi of academic and training institutions. Upon successful completion, participants will be able to implement chemical risk control for occupational safety as well as streamline chemical purchasing practices.

The target groups for this training are representatives involved in chemical management processes, such as; middle management with technical background, technical engineers, shift leaders, technicians from textile finishing units and synthetic shoe factories (in particular PU), environment/health & safety experts (EHS), administrators involved in the procurement.

There are several ways in which the training materials can be utilized. The full training approach provides a modular training package for stand-alone self-pace learning as well complete concept as blended tutored trainings on CM including additional supporting materials for trainers and academic learning programs.

There are in total 11 thematic modules sub-divided into 23 units (between 30-60 minutes). In total, the self-paced learning takes about 13 hours to complete which are further complimented by 20 short quizzes (of 5 minutes each) to reinforce these concepts. For the more ambitious ones, there are also detailed assignments for completion that take about 40 hours and are followed up by detailed solutions upon completion, provided within the tutored training courses.

The e-REMC is available on atingi, GIZ’s free of charge ‘digital learning platform’ accessible via smartphone or desktop. By October 2021 the training will be available besides English in Arabic, Bengali, Chinese (Mandarin), French, Indonesian (Bahasa), Turkey, Urdu, Vietnamese.

Click HERE to get access to the e-REMC self-learning course.