The STAR Position Paper & Toolkit for Advocating Improved Renewable Energy (RE) Regulations in Garment Producing Nations is an initiative aimed at empowering STAR members to promote sustainable energy practices within the textile and garment industry.
This document serves as both an advocacy tool and a position paper (a statement of commitment from the STAR Members), providing insights and actionable knowledge to drive the adoption of RE, particularly rooftop solar (RTS), in major garment-producing countries. The paper addresses the pressing need for effective policies, regulations, and programs that facilitate RE adoption in these regions. By analyzing both successful and unsuccessful RE initiatives, the paper provides lessons and case studies to guide advocacy efforts at national and regional levels.
The paper also makes the case that sustainability can very much be a competitive advantage: Going green isn’t just about the environment—it’s about staying competitive. The paper argues that garment-producing nations who embrace renewable energy will be better positioned in global markets, where sustainability is increasingly a key demand from buyers and consumers alike. The STAR Members in turn call for and are ready to support initiatives that make the industry more sustainable.
The paper is based on comprehensive desk research and consultations with STAR Members and experts from the GIZ Project Development Programme (PDP). Preliminary findings were shared at the STAR Trade & Sustainability conference in Bangkok on June 5th, 2024, followed by additional feedback during a final virtual engagement.