Sustainability Initiatives
The Switch Garment project, officially known as 'Promotion of Sustainable Energy Practices in the Garment Sector in Cambodia' is a four-year project funded by the European Union through the SWITCH-Asia Programme and executed by Global Green Growth Institutes (GGGI), Geres and Textile, Apparel, Footwear & Travel Goods Association in Cambodia (TAFTAC)
Promoting Responsible Supply Chains in Asia
The OECD, in partnership with the International Labour Organisation and the European Union, is contributing its expertise on trade and investment and on risk-based RBC due diligence to support policy developments and action to create an enabling environment for RBC, to boost industry capacity, and to raise awareness of the importance of RBC. The programme is taking place in partnership with Japan, an OECD country, and the only country in the programme that has adhered to the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and set up a National Contact Point (NCP), and five partner economies, namely China, Thailand, Viet Nam, Philippines, and Myanmar. A significant component of the activities includes working directly with businesses to promote responsible supply chains through implementing RBC due diligence.
Promoting Responsible Supply Chains in Asia
The Responsible Supply Chains in Asia programme, implemented by the OECD together with the International Labour Organisation and the European Union, aims to help companies and governments across global supply chains and take action to create an enabling environment and respect for human and labour rights. Under this project the OECD has been working on Responsible Garment & Footwear supply chains in China and Viet Nam.
Responsible Supply Chains in Asia
The Responsible Supply Chains in Asia programme, implemented by the OECD and the International Labour Organisation, supported by the European Union, aims to help companies and governments across global supply chains and take action to create an enabling environment and respect for human and labour rights.