by Kyna Intel created 2022-01-01T00:00:01+07:00
Brand Performance Check: Takko
by Kyna Intel — last modified Nov 01, 2022 09:17 AM

"Summary: Takko has shown progress and met most of Fair Wear's performance requirements. With a score of 68 points, the brand is awarded the 'Good'‐category. The member monitored 97% of its suppliers. ...

How sustainable is leather? Let’s discuss
by Kyna Intel — last modified Nov 01, 2022 09:17 AM

"Leather sometimes gets a bad reputation, a Scarlett letter in some sustainable fashion circles. And even though its reputation is not entirely undeserved, there is more to the story. To understand ho ...

Better Cotton reveals Pakistan flood impact
by Kyna Intel — last modified Nov 01, 2022 09:17 AM

"The Better Cotton initiative says that many of its farmers in Pakistan have been unable to harvest cotton this year because of the flooding which has wiped out an estimated 40 per cent of this year's ...

Haryana seals 11 illegal textile units in Sonipat
by Kyna Intel — last modified Nov 02, 2022 09:21 AM

"Faced with allegations of favouring illegal dying units near the catchment area of Yamuna, the Haryana State Pollution Control Board (HSPCB) on Saturday sealed 11 such units during a special drive be ...

Under their skin: Leather's impact on people
by Kyna Intel — last modified Nov 02, 2022 09:21 AM

"Despite common misconception, leather is not simply a worthless by-product, but a co-product. While the leather industry likes to claim skins are tanned as a kind of waste reduction initiative, thus ...

New law for celebrity endorsements
by Kyna Intel — last modified Nov 02, 2022 09:21 AM

"According to the official website of the State Administration for Market Regulation on the 31st October, the State Administration for Market Regulation and seven departments including the Central Cyb ...