by Kyna Intel created 2022-01-01T00:00:01+07:00
Fire consumes clothing factory in Menoufia
by Kyna Intel — last modified Jul 01, 2022 02:57 PM

"Civil Protection forces in Menoufia succeeded in controlling a huge fire that broke out inside a clothing accessories factory in the city of Shibīn al-Kawm." ...

Bangladesh among top 10 labour rights violators
by Kyna Intel — last modified Jul 01, 2022 02:57 PM

"Bangladesh, for the sixth consecutive year since 2017, ranks among top 10 worst countries in the world where labour rights are not guaranteed, according to a global survey. The Global Rights Index-20 ...

Consumers: it matters where fashion is made
by Kyna Intel — last modified Jul 01, 2022 02:57 PM

"In a few short days, America will be celebrating its independence and all things American. And even though most apparel sold in the States is made offshore, there is a contingent of designers and bra ...

Aid By Trade Foundation 2021 Annual Report
by Kyna Intel — last modified Jul 01, 2022 02:57 PM

"Current events highlight just how closely connected all societies in our global village are. The war in Ukraine has been wreaking havoc in the international order since February. Its implications rea ...

Annual Report 2021
by Kyna Intel — last modified Jul 01, 2022 02:57 PM

"Our Annual Report offers an important opportunity to reflect on the impact we made in 2021, examine challenges and success in the field and on the market successes as well as stakeholder insights int ...