by AGHub Admin created 2021-06-02T09:23:58+07:00
SKP becomes China's first carbon neutral retail mall
by Kyna Intel — last modified Nov 25, 2021 03:57 PM

"On November 15, a reporter from the Beijing News learned from SKP that the company has achieved full carbon neutrality at Beijing SKP, Xi’an SKP and SKP-S (Beijing), becoming the first retailer in Ch ...

Is luxury rental a boom or bust economy in China?
by Kyna Intel — last modified Nov 25, 2021 03:57 PM

"Key Takeaways: The sharing economy has been firmly established in China, and consumers are already familiar with an array of daily sharing services that offer the option of a luxury upgrade. First-ti ...

Paper packaging uses three billion trees a year
by Kyna Intel — last modified Nov 25, 2021 03:59 PM

"We lose three billion trees every year to paper packaging. Lee-Ann Unger, Senior Corporate Campaigner, and head of our Pack4Good initiative discusses what all this paper packaging means for the plane ...

Naughty or Nice 2021
by Kyna Intel — last modified Nov 25, 2021 03:57 PM

"In 2021, the Naughty or Nice List is about brands’ progress towards paying a living wage. This would lift the women who make our clothes, and their families, out of poverty. Which brands have made a ...

Low labour cost no guarantee for competitiveness
by Kyna Intel — last modified Nov 25, 2021 03:57 PM

"Low wage believed to be an advantage for Bangladesh, especially in the manufacturing sector for export and investment, has by now proved to be a misnomer as low wage (due to unskilled or semiskilled ...

Pay for the sweat of our brow
by Kyna Intel — last modified Nov 26, 2021 03:04 PM

"Neo Trend workers from Istanbul Güngören protested in front of the British Consulate yesterday over the factory closure and lack of compensation. Speaking on behalf of the workers demanding their unp ...