by AGHub Admin created 2021-06-02T09:23:58+07:00
Burnley: Usdaw calls on Boohoo to recognise union
by Kyna Intel — last modified Jun 25, 2021 05:35 AM

"Workers' representatives at an East Lancashire based online fashion giant has urged the company to show it is "serious about becoming an ethical trader." Usdaw, which represents employees at Boohoo's ...

Sale of illegal HT-Bt cotton seeds doubles
by Kyna Intel — last modified Jun 25, 2021 05:35 AM

"The illegal cultivation of herbicide tolerant (HT) Bt cotton has seen a huge jump this year, with seed manufacturers claiming that the sale of illegal seed packets has more than doubled from 30 lakh ...

Victoria startup making waves in microplastics research
by Kyna Intel — last modified Jun 25, 2021 05:35 AM

"[R]esearch into the amount of microplastics in the world’s oceans and the impact they have on the environment is time-consuming, costly and sparse. Ocean Diagnostics is hoping to change that. “We’re ...

Garment production may slow down over Covid-19
by Kyna Intel — last modified Jun 25, 2021 05:35 AM

"The pandemic has already penetrated some industrial parks in HCMC, so if staff of garment and textile firms get infected, work would stop and fulfillment of orders would slow down, said Pham Xuan Hon ...

Three textile shops gutted in fire in Old Hyderabad
by Kyna Intel — last modified Jun 25, 2021 05:35 AM

"A fire broke out in the Moosa Bowli Hussaini Alam area of Old City after three textiles shops were gutted in a fire accident. [...] However, no casualties were reported but garments worth lakhs were ...

Workers start receiving 160,000 Riel state subsidy
by Kyna Intel — last modified Jun 25, 2021 05:35 AM

""The Ministry would like to remind you that Wing Specialized Bank will return this subsidy to the Royal Government if you fail to collect this subsidy within 10 days after receiving a mobile message ...