by AGHub Admin created 2021-06-02T09:23:58+07:00
Officials fined 736.1 million soums for forced labor
by Kyna Intel — last modified Nov 24, 2021 03:15 PM

"Over 60 officials were fined for allowing forced labor. The Ministry of Labor also reported cases of violation of the law when hiring and firing employees, wages and other violations. In Uzbekistan, ...

Making a wiser choice for denim bleaching
by Kyna Intel — last modified Nov 24, 2021 10:12 AM

"Having collaborated with fashion brands since 2018, Wiser Wash has proven that it can create qualified and fashionable designs without sacrificing results or lowering its commitment for environmental ...

Self regulation: a fashion fairytale
by Kyna Intel — last modified Nov 24, 2021 03:15 PM

"A new Greenpeace Germany report shows that Detoxing fashion supply chains is a game changer but without regulation climate damage by the industry continues. Ten years after Greenpeace launched its De ...

Fire in Noida textile factory, 4 fire trucks attend
by Kyna Intel — last modified Nov 24, 2021 03:15 PM

"A fire broke out in a garment manufacturing factory in the Thana Phase-3 area of Noida in Uttar Pradesh on Tuesday morning. Chief Fire Officer Arun Kumar Singh said that a fire broke out in the texti ...

The cost of non-compliance
by Kyna Intel — last modified Nov 24, 2021 03:18 PM

"The Tazreen Fashions fire, one of the nation's deadliest industrial incidents, was an eye-opener for the garment sector, showing that the cost of non-compliance in business operations was very high. ...

The true cost of the second-hand clothes trade
by Kyna Intel — last modified Nov 24, 2021 03:15 PM

"It is a common misconception that the excess of clothes we donate to charity shops is given free to people in developing countries. A huge network of traders is involved in the process (who make dece ...