by AGHub Admin created 2021-06-02T09:23:58+07:00
How sustainable is your footwear?
by Kyna Intel — last modified Oct 26, 2021 02:13 PM

"Chandni Batra, 39, worked in advertising for close to a decade before returning to India in 2013 to work in her family’s generational footwear business. An avid traveller and certified diver, she wou ...

Opex Group workers likely to receive arrears by Nov
by Kyna Intel — last modified Oct 26, 2021 02:13 PM

"The workers of Opex Group's closed garments unit in Narayanganj's Kanchpur are likely to receive their salaries and other outstanding service benefits within November. "I hope there will be no proble ...

G7 trade ministers' statement on forced labour
by Kyna Intel — last modified Oct 26, 2021 02:17 PM

"The Joint Statement issued by the G7 countries at the G7 Trade Track on Forced Labour. We, the G7 Trade Ministers, share and are guided by the concern expressed by our Leaders in Carbis Bay in 2021 r ...

Xinjiang harvests first China-standard cotton
by Kyna Intel — last modified Oct 26, 2021 02:17 PM

"Cotton standards to counter Western monopoly, restore fairness. At an endless cotton field located at the southern hills of the Tianshan Mountains in Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Regio ...

Sri Lankan garment makers fear loss of GSP+
by Kyna Intel — last modified Oct 26, 2021 02:17 PM

"Garment manufacturers in Sri Lanka say the potential loss of the country's European Union generalised scheme of preferences plus (GSP+) trade privileges over human rights issues would be catastrophic ...

The planet and... fashion
by Kyna Intel — last modified Oct 26, 2021 02:17 PM

"What impact is fast fashion having on our planet? What can retailers do better? And what can we do as consumers to reduce the impact what we wear has on the climate? Sponsored by Ocean Winds, Natalie ...

Fashion platform Otrium adopts sustainability ratings
by Kyna Intel — last modified Oct 26, 2021 02:17 PM

"Online fashion marketplace Otrium has partnered with sustainability rating platform Good On You to integrate company scores on its website. Good On You rates companies across three categories – peopl ...

Factory owners threaten to quit garment hub
by Kyna Intel — last modified Oct 26, 2021 02:17 PM

"Factory owners are threatening to relocate away from Pakistan's textile and garment manufacturing hub of Sindh province over an increase of more than 40 per cent in the minimum wage. The Sindh provin ...

Denim trends: The rise of circular denim
by Kyna Intel — last modified Oct 27, 2021 06:50 PM

"More and more eco-conscious innovations are seeing the light of day and the circular economy is surely one of them. The fashion industry is used to a linear production, which by definition ends with ...

Tapping into China’s luxury decluttering movement
by Kyna Intel — last modified Oct 27, 2021 06:50 PM

"Key Takeaways: Rising luxury consumption and shrinking living spaces have boosted China’s decluttering industry, which has been to exceed $3.8 million by 2023. Marie-Kondo-style “Cleanfluencers” are ...