by AGHub Admin created 2021-06-02T09:23:58+07:00
3D printing on Merino wool
by Kyna Intel — last modified Aug 13, 2021 07:00 PM

"Three-dimensional (3D) printing is the latest big innovation in textile design and manufacturing, with the world of high-end fashion showing significant interest in 3D printing directly onto base fab ...

Too many initiatives - too little funding?
by Kyna Intel — last modified Aug 13, 2021 07:00 PM

"It's all Bill Clinton's fault, apparently. Back in the 1990s, the US President reacted to fears that major brands were having their clothes and footwear made in sweatshops by setting up the Apparel I ...

10 injured as unsafe building collapses in Ludhiana
by Kyna Intel — last modified Aug 13, 2021 07:00 PM

"More than 100 labourers were present in their quarters when the adjoining building, which was in a dilapidated condition after last year’s fire, collapsed. At least 10 people, including two children, ...

Fair fashion, not fast fashion
by Kyna Intel — last modified Aug 13, 2021 07:00 PM

"It’s pretty obvious that we need to get rid of such an exploitative model immediately. However, just one look at the wide profit margins and consumer demands make sure that it’s not going away unless ...