by AGHub Admin created 2021-06-02T09:23:58+07:00
Mount Vernon announces general wage increase
by Kyna Intel — last modified Aug 09, 2021 11:39 PM

"Mount Vernon Mills in Trion, Ga announced today that they will be implementing a general wage increase that will be effective with hourly payrolls effective Sunday, August 29, 2021 and salaried payro ...

Next-gen leather: Chinese consumer perceptions
by Kyna Intel — last modified Aug 09, 2021 11:39 PM

"This study examined Chinese consumer purchasing preferences for leather and leather alternatives. We collected survey responses from a sample of 501 individuals across China. The sample was nationall ...

Disastrous fire in the logistics warehouse
by Kyna Intel — last modified Aug 09, 2021 11:39 PM

"For an unknown reason, a fire broke out in the warehouse of the logistics company in [Esenyurt], which contains white goods, textile products, dyes and chemicals. According to reports, the flames qui ...

Fire breaks out in cotton factory
by Kyna Intel — last modified Aug 09, 2021 11:39 PM

"A godown of cotton factory was gutted in the area of Sandal Bar police station. Police said here on Friday that fire broke out in godown of a cotton factory, situated at Chak No.58-JB near Aminpur by ...

Factory fire put out after 20 hours
by Kyna Intel — last modified Aug 09, 2021 11:39 PM

"The fire which broke out in the basement of a diaper manufacturing factory in Rawat was eventually put out after 20 hours of hectic effort, but only after the structure was reduced to ashes. The peop ...

Bestseller invests in sustainable start-ups
by Kyna Intel — last modified Aug 09, 2021 11:39 PM

"Danish fashion retailer Bestseller has confirmed that it will invest in three burgeoning innovators: Circular Systems, Nature Coatings and Evrnu. It comes a month after the firm backed Infinited Fibe ...