by AGHub Admin created 2021-06-02T09:23:58+07:00
Deep dive report: Monthly order variability
by Kyna Intel — last modified Jul 27, 2021 05:02 PM

"Monthly Order Variability (MOV) reflects the changes to the total number of pieces or pairs a supplier ships to its customer from month to month, including the peaks and valleys across the year and e ...

Garment factories not generating enough revenue
by Kyna Intel — last modified Oct 10, 2021 08:50 PM

"Garment enterprises have too many expenses and have been accepting orders on which they make a loss in order to maintain relationships with clients and jobs for employees. However, if the risk of sup ...

Mae Sot is quiet, the hospitals are full of patients
by Kyna Intel — last modified Jul 27, 2021 05:02 PM

"Mae Sot, a town on the Thai-Burmese border in Thailand's Tak province, was once bustling with traders, but is now as quiet with the hospital full of patients, according to Thai media. Since the mass ...

Garment workers received calls to return to work
by Kyna Intel — last modified Oct 10, 2021 08:50 PM

"Salma Akhter, an employee of a garment factory in Gazipur, went to her village home in Rangpur with her children to celebrate Eid. Then on Saturday, a supervisor from the factory called on his mobile ...

Chinese apparel firm exports carbon-offset clothing
by Kyna Intel — last modified Jul 27, 2021 05:02 PM

"Chinese apparel brand HOdo said it has produced and exported the country's first batch of clothing certified as carbon neutral, contributing to the creation of a sustainable clothing ecosystem. The c ...

Does ethical fashion have a Photoshop problem?
by Kyna Intel — last modified Jul 27, 2021 05:02 PM

"One of the main goals of the growing ethical fashion movement has been to make ethical fashion look like ‘regular’ fashion. Desperate to wash off an “earthy” label, sustainable fashion brands are awa ...