
by admin created 2020-10-29T09:45:37+07:00

BGMEA seeks govt support to boost RMG sector’s green transition

Faruque Hassan, president of Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA), has sought support of the government in ensuring faster and seamless services from government bodies, particularly Rajdhani Unnayan Kartripakkha (RAJUK), for the RMG entrepreneurs.

Crucial Lessons For Responsibly Supporting Factory Staff Abroad

“Out of sight, out of mind” can be a dangerous habit to fall into in business. Of all the ramifications of the unpredictability of the global economy and supply chain, one that can sometimes be overlooked is the closure of factories and the life-shifting effect it can have on...

The hidden costs of our purchases: True Pricing and the road to fairer price

You go to the store for a carton of milk or, if we focus on our industry, a new item of clothing. You pay the market or retail price based on what it costs to produce and sell that item. But did you know that you don't always pay the "true price"? Manufacturers and companies...

Corporate due diligence: a global-south perspective

Two Pakistani trade unionists explain in interview why the EU supply-chain directive must be unblocked.

Fashion brand debuts robotic arm 3D-printed wearable garments

Fashion designer and owner of brand Procode_Dress Lilach Porges has unveiled a patent-pending robotic arm 3D-printing technology that combines pattern making and fabric sewing with 3D printing to create ready-to-wear garments.

Company uses groundbreaking tech to transform old shoes into remarkable new materials

The velcro Silver Series shoe can hold its own with Air Jordans in at least one metric: It takes them both up to 40 or more years to decompose. The world’s footwear waste problem has turned into a mission for FastFeetGrinded, located in the Netherlands. The company claims to be...

'Withdraw new labour codes': Unions observe workers' resistance day across India

The Mazdoor Adhikar Sangharsh Abhiyan (MASA), a coordination platform of 17 workers organisations/ unions, staged Workers’ Resistance Day on 8th February, 2024, engulfing the entire country against the allegedly anti-worker policies and to press for the just demands of the...

UFLPA enforcement versus the challenge of tracing cotton’s origin

There is growing clamour from the US apparel and textile industry to boost enforcement of the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (UFLPA), however there are a number of challenges that need to be overcome first for verifying cotton's origin, writes Robert P. Antoshak, Gherzi...

Bangladesh needs to address export diversification, unskilled labour force

Bangladesh urgently needs to address export diversification, weak financial institutions, an unskilled labour force, poor foreign direct investment and forex reserves and a low tax-GDP ratio for its graduation, businesses said at a seminar on Saturday.

Brands' partnerships with suppliers 'improving'

Buyer-supplier partnerships in the garment and footwear sector improved significantly last year, according to a new report from the Better Buying Institute (BBI). The BBI has published its annual Better Buying Partnership Index (BBPI) which enables suppliers in global supply...

ESG investing giants under scrutiny for fueling rights abuses in Myanmar

MSCI, FTSE Russell and S&P Dow Jones Indices are giants of the “responsible investing” industry, but according to complaints filed with the US, UK and Dutch governments, the firms are violating OECD guidelines for responsible business conduct by helping direct investments labeled...

Spaces to make-do and mend would bring new life into high streets, study says

Spaces to remake and mend clothes would bring much-needed life back into shopping centres and high streets, a new study says. Efforts to wean people away from fast fashion should go beyond sewing workshops in community halls and art spaces. Chain stores should include stations...

Bangladesh calls for global due diligence laws to aid apparel sector

Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA)'s president is calling for “universal” due diligence laws as the increase in manufacturing and factory costs is making it difficult for manufacturers to comply with several types of legislation.

Planet Tracker Urges Increased Water Risk Disclosure in the Apparel Industry

The analysis – Exposing Water Risk – discovered a striking lack of attention to water-related risks in the apparel industry. An overwhelming 90% of the examined documents failed to mention water-related risks, with many companies barely mentioning water-related risk at all,...

Germany could oppose EU supply chain law on child labour

A letter by two top German ministers on Thursday suggested the government would oppose a draft European law which would require large companies to take action if they find their supply chains employing child labour or damaging the environment.

Collective action to mitigate environmental impacts in fashion supply chain

Collective action to mitigate environmental impacts in fashion supply chain

14 brands and 626 manufacturers in textile, garment, and footwear industry in Vietnam joined forces in a collective action to mitigate environmental impact. This is part of the German government-supported Initiative for Global Solidarity (IGS).

NIT-Warangal faculty members develop innovative wastewater treatment system for textile industry effluents

While the textile industry helps many across the state earn their livelihoods, the chemical effluents from the units affect the lives of people living in the vicinity. To address this, a team of faculty members at the National Institute of Technology, Warangal (NIT-W), has...

Trade union formation to become easier

Conditions mandatory to form trade unions will be eased through the upcoming amendment to Bangladesh Labour Act, in a bid to comply with recommendations from Western communities, particularly the European Union (EU) and the United States.

Why top apparel brands fall short in supplier partnerships

Improving supply chain working conditions requires clarity of expectations and accountability on both sides.

Texworld NYC: Experts Say Sourcing Could Be on Course for ‘Catastrophe’

In a candid conversation moderated by Sourcing Journal founder Edward Hertzman at Texworld New York City on Tuesday, experts discussed the uncertainty the industry faces in the year ahead.