OECD Forum | Parallel Session: Responsible Supply Chains in MENA & Türkiye - launch of the OECD’s garment and footwear sector capacity building programme
The five participating countries in a new regional OECD programme on RBC – Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia, and Türkiye – exported $51.9 billion in textile, garments, and footwear in 2022, forming a substantial portion of their exports. While businesses are developing initiatives to foster responsible supply chains, important gaps in implementing and mainstreaming risk-based approaches based on common standards remain. This session will launch a year-long capacity-building activity to support garment and footwear businesses working in or from the region to improve their understanding of, and capacity to conduct, risk-based due diligence to build supply chain resilience, manage uncertainty and drive long-term value.
Contact Dylan van de Ven for more information on the new regional programme and to register interest in the sectoral capacity building activity. For more information.
- When Feb 22, 2024 from 05:30 PM to 06:45 PM (Asia/Bangkok / UTC700)
- Where Paris (& Online)
- Web Visit external website
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