OECD Forum on Due Diligence in the Garment and Footwear Sector
The OECD Garment and Footwear Forum
The Forum brings together representatives of government, business, trade unions, civil society and academia to discuss key issues and risks related to due diligence in global garment and footwear supply chains in a neutral environment.
The Forum also plays a role in supporting alignment across policies and industry initiatives on due diligence expectations.
On Tuesday 20 February, the OECD will host its 6th Roundtable for Policy Makers on Responsible Supply Chains in the Garment and Footwear Sector in Paris and online. The event is invitation-only. If you are a representative from a government or intergovernmental organisation and would like to express interest in the Roundtable, please contact: andrea.schill@oecd.org
Location, times and language
The main Forum sessions take place on 21-22 February at the OECD Conference Centre in Paris and are streamed online.
Most of the main Forum sessions will be recorded and available for replay on the Forum website.
Side sessions organised and hosted by partner organisations will take place virtually on 19, 20 and 23 February. Side session agenda will be published end of January 2024.
All Forum and side sessions will take place in English unless otherwise specified. All Forum and side session times reflect your computer's local time zone.
Practical information is available here.
Prior registration is required to attend the Forum. Virtual side sessions may require a separate registration (indicated on each session description).
Online participation: Upon registration, you will receive an automatic confirmation email with a link to create a user profile for online participation.
Onsite in-person participation: Requests to attend onsite in Paris will be confirmed separately according to available capacity. A confirmation will be sent to you along with logistical information upon validation of your request.
Register here.
- When Feb 21, 2024 to Feb 22, 2024 (Asia/Bangkok / UTC700)
- Where Paris (& Online)
- Web Visit external website
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