Industrie 4.0 Learning Platform Project

Rapid technological development such as digitalization is having significant impacts on the labour market. Industry’s demands for workers' skills are therefore undergoing constant change. Meanwhile, globalization and regional integration has made communication, interaction and mutual learning between regions increasingly important and necessary. Yet, the COVID-19 pandemic is making it much more complicated. ASEAN and China have developed ever stronger economic relationships in the past decades, as each other’s largest trading partners. Therefore, it is of great value to deepen the understanding between China and ASEAN in areas such as labour market requirements, in-company training as well as vocational education practices. The study is a start for us to look into the changing practice of re-skilling and up-skilling of workers in the context of digitalization of manufacturing, especially in the COVID-19 pandemic, based on research results from literature review and empirical analysis. The study endeavours to provide recommendations for TVET stakeholders and implications for the future TVET programs. If you have any recommendations regarding this report, or if you are interested in further researches in this topic, feel free to contact us.