Contributions Overview

digital talk: Cotton & Water

digital talk: Cotton & Water

Innovations for a Sustainable Future

Fashion Revolution Summer School

Fashion Revolution Summer School

The Launch of the First Sustainable Fashion Summer School, 6-26 June 2022 Professional Certificate in Sustainable Fashion Management (3weeks) Graduate Program in Sustainable Fashion Management (3 weeks- 5/6 credits) 3day Fashtech Hackathon event 1 week shadow program to circular fashion best practices(optional)

How to promote Social Justice and Equality

How to promote Social Justice and Equality

How to promote Social Justice and Equality - Creating a Just Transition

How Safe and Sustainable by Design can be useful for companies

How Safe and Sustainable by Design can be useful for companies

Safe and Sustainable by Design is one of the key concepts that the EU Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability is set to develop. It aims to increase the substitution of the most harmful substances and guide the innovation of new chemicals. Significant progress has been made during the last months, but still, there are many unknowns.

OTB & GOTS Forum: Ideas and brainstorming for a GOTS textile campaign

OTB & GOTS Forum: Ideas and brainstorming for a GOTS textile campaign

Join GOTS and the OTB textile group for a creative session on how we can deliver a GOTS textile marketing campaign, together!