Contributions Overview
he Common Framework for Responsible Purchasing Practices (CFRPP) (the framework) provides a common language and alignment on what constitutes responsible purchasing practices. It is the result of a 2-year process of the MSI Working Group on Purchasing Practices (the Working Group), which includes representatives from the Ethical Trading Initiative, Ethical Trade Norway and Denmark, Fair Wear, the German Partnership for Sustainable Textiles (PST) and the Dutch Agreement for Sustainable Garments (AGT). The Working Group consulted with ACT (Action Collaboration Transformation), Better Buying Institute, Better Work and amfori.
Business lobbyists exploited the Commission’s scrutiny procedures to weaken an EU directive designed to protect human rights and the environment. This report uncovers the astonishing extent to which pro-corporate voices – from both within and outside the European Commission (EC) – have succeeded in postponing and weakening an EU law proposal.