Contributions Overview

Impact of global clothing retailer's unfair practices on Bangladesh suppliers during COVID-19

Impact of global clothing retailer's unfair practices on Bangladesh suppliers during COVID-19

This research investigated the impact of global fashion retailers and brands unfair practices on Bangladeshi suppliers during the Covid-19 pandemic. Research in 2020-21 on the impact of Covid-19 on garment workers in Bangladesh found that workers, particularly women workers, suffered economic and social vulnerabilities.

Fixing Fashion Follow Up call for evidence on fashion sustainability and working conditions in UK garment industry

Fixing Fashion Follow Up call for evidence on fashion sustainability and working conditions in UK garment industry

This is Transform Trade's (under its former name Traidcraft Exchange) submission to the UK Parliamentary Environmental Audit Committee.

Guide to responsible sourcing: Material Concerns

Guide to responsible sourcing: Material Concerns

How responsible sourcing can deliver the goods for business and workers in the garment industry

Oxfam Report: Trading Away Our Rights

Oxfam Report: Trading Away Our Rights

This report reveals the double standards at the heart of the corporate practices that are emerging under globalization. Companies’ demands for faster, more flexible, and cheaper production in their supply chains are undermining the very labour standards that they claim to be promoting. Women workers – and their families – pay the price.