Global Green Growth Institute – Cambodia Program

What you should know about the Switch Garment project
The objective of the Switch Garment project is to increase the competitiveness of Cambodian garment factories and decrease the industry's environmental impact through the adoption of sustainable energy practices and facilitating investments in clean energy technologies.

Impact Assessment of Measures to Support Sustainable Energy Investment in the Garment Sector
The Switch Garment project “Promotion of Sustainable Energy Practices in the Cambodian Garment Sector” supports garment manufacturers in Cambodia in the adoption of sustainable energy practices and aims to facilitate improved access to finance to realize energy efficiency (EE) and renewable energy (RE) interventions. The goal is to reduce environmental impact of production as well as production cost and to enhance competitiveness of factories and of the Cambodian garment sector as a whole in the global supply chains. As a policy tool, the Switch Garment team together with the Textile, Apparel, Footwear & Travel Goods Association in Cambodia (TAFTAC) has designed a ‘Model Green Factory Program’ (MGFP) in line with current and expected government laws and regulations, to be proposed to the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC). This program will be an initiative driven by the garment industry under the leadership of TAFTAC with the aim of advocating for clean energy policy actions in the sector. While the program will be seeking government support for this policy vehicle, it is ultimately regarded as an industry initiative.
The Switch Garment project, officially known as 'Promotion of Sustainable Energy Practices in the Garment Sector in Cambodia' is a four-year project funded by the European Union through the SWITCH-Asia Programme and executed by Global Green Growth Institutes (GGGI), Geres and Textile, Apparel, Footwear & Travel Goods Association in Cambodia (TAFTAC)