amfori Speak for Change: A Look Back at 2024
Highlights of 2024:
- Roll-out to Cambodia
- Extension of the collaboration with Fair Wear and PST
2024 has been an important year for strengthening amfori Speak for Change. In addition to a fifth roll-out and building strong collaborations, we have been revising the grievance handling process to make our supply chain grievance mechanism more effective for all parties involved.
amfori Speak for Change Active in Five Countries
In addition to Vietnam, Türkiye, Bangladesh, and four states in India, amfori Speak for Change was rolled out to Cambodia in April. During the onboarding process, 10% of Cambodian business partners joined a live training session to learn how to implement the programme in their factories.
This year, we have supported our members with several cases across all five countries, mostly in Türkiye and Bangladesh. The two most addressed topics were decent working hours and fair remuneration.
Building a More Effective Grievance Mechanism
Since amfori Speak for Change is now active in five countries, we have gathered valuable insights that have highlighted challenges that need to be addressed to improve the programme. We have therefore started revising key aspects of amfori Speak for Change in order to ensure that we continue to offer an effective grievance mechanism to our members and rightsholders in their supply chains. While the programme revision is still ongoing, we aim to gradually implement the revised process in 2025.
After the revision is finalised, we will start rolling-out amfori Speak for Change to other countries again. We have therefore been investigating the local context in several countries, including China.
Strengthening Our Local Presence and Global Partnerships
In May, one year after the launch of amfori Speak for Change in Türkiye, we hosted a stakeholder roundtable and a workshop for business partners in Istanbul to address access to remedy across supply chains. Both events, attended by dozens of participants, aimed to strengthen the local presence of amfori Speak for Change by fostering trust and highlighting the importance of responsible business practices. Read more about the events here.
Moreover, after joining forces with Fair Wear and the Partnership for Sustainable Textiles (PST) in 2022, we have extended our collaboration with the two organisations. The objective of this partnership is to pool resources to address complaints raised by rightsholders in our members’ supply chains and gain further learnings about access to remedy across the garment and footwear sector.
For more information about amfori Speak for Change, please contact