Better Buying Institute

Better Buying Institute

Better Buying is a unique system for, and created in collaboration with, suppliers to communicate anonymously with their buyers about purchasing practices that are working well and those that need improvement, without risking their business relationship.

Are you ready to comply with Germany's new act on supply chain due diligence?

Are you ready to comply with Germany's new act on supply chain due diligence?

An article by Dr. Marsha Dickson, President and Co-Founder of Better Buying Institute, on the connection between purchasing practices and factory-level noncompliance, and how brands and retailers can comply with Germany's new Supply Chain Due Diligence law.

Win-Win Partnership: how suppliers are investing savings when buyers accept recently completed audits

Win-Win Partnership: how suppliers are investing savings when buyers accept recently completed audits

A Better Buying Institute Spotlight Report, examining how workers benefit when brands and retailers prioritize audit harmonization

Workers Benefit: When Brands and Retailers Accept Standardized Audits from Suppliers

Workers Benefit: When Brands and Retailers Accept Standardized Audits from Suppliers

When brands and retailers accept the SLCP Converged Assessment Framework instead of insisting on buyer-specific audits, the potential for worker benefits are significant. But audit harmonization is only part of the picture. Buyers’ purchasing practices need to be strong across all seven Better BuyingTM categories to support ongoing supplier sustainability, and deliver consistent benefits to workers

The STTI Survey of Commercial Compliance is Open for Ratings

The STTI Survey of Commercial Compliance is Open for Ratings

Suppliers are invited to participate in the Sustainable Terms of Trade Initiative (STTI) survey of commercial compliance. Driven by 15 apparel manufacturing associations from 11 countries, STTIs' objective is to deliver a major contribution towards purchasing practices that allow textile and garment manufacturers to run a socially, economically and environmentally sustainable operation.

The BBPPI 2022 Garment Scorecard is Out!

The BBPPI 2022 Garment Scorecard is Out!

The 2022 Better Buying Purchasing Practices IndexTM Garment Scorecard is published, ahead of the full findings and scores from the Better Buying Purchasing Practices IndexTM.