Decent Work in Garment Supply Chains Asia (ILO)
Giảm dấu chân carbon? Làm thế nào để đánh giá mức phát thải carbon trong ngành dệt may châu Á
Executive Summary: Reducing the footprint? How to assess carbon emissions in the garment sector in Asia
Executive Summary: Opportunities for a better transformation of the Asian textile industry towards environmental sustainability and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic
Executive Summary: Effective regulations? Environmental impact assessment in the textile and garment sector in Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia and Viet Nam
Pakaian yang lebih ramah lingkungan? Inisiatif lingkungan dan piranti dalam sektor garmen di Asia
Executive Summary: Greener clothes? Environmental initiatives and tools in the garment sector in Asia
Mengurangi jejak kaki? Bagaimana menilai emisi karbon di sektor garmen Asia
Executive Summary: Reducing the footprint? How to assess carbon emissions in the garment sector in Asia