Transformers Foundation Annual Report 2022: Fashion's chemical certification complex
Fashion has a chemical certification problem. Dozens of private-sector auditors, consultancies, labs, and certifications provide an expensive and inefficient form of surveillance over the supply chain on behalf of brands. Many of these organisations offer almost identical services. While brands and retailers use chemical management as a differentiator, a marketing tool, and a way to shirk responsibility, it is the supply chain—from the chemical companies to the denim laundries—that pays for testing, certification, and management of these overlapping safety protocols. This paper calls for collaboration and alignment around a single set of rules: sound chemical management systems should be a ticket to play, not a market differentiator. “Fashion’s Certification Complex: Needlessly Complicated, Woefully Ineffective” is an investigative report that equips fashion professionals with the actions they can take to reform chemical management in the fashion industry.

About Transformers Foundation:
Transformers Foundation is the unified voice representing the denim industry and its ideas for positive change. It was founded to provide a thus-far missing platform to the jeans and denim supply chain, and a central point of contact for consumers, brands, NGOs, and media who want to learn more about ethics and sustainable innovation in the industry. Transformers Foundation represent the denim supply chain: from farmers and chemical suppliers to denim mills and jeans factories.